Watching him play is a full package of power,perfection and passion....pure genius!Every strike at the ball is one of innovation.Every move seems so effortless,so easy.He has given so many never before seen angles and dimensions to the game....and to my life.The back hand with the off-spin is so beautiful.Definitely.....Hand of God!
He shows how much is capable of the human body,how much there is to achieve for every person who steps on the Earth.He makes you realise that the Supreme Being has given us every tool to reach Him,its just that few understand it....Roger does!
The calm as he attacks every lime green fireball is almost unendurable!But,the storm of emotions post match gives you only a hint to what it takes to remain that way...what it takes to face obstacles like a man who knows no fear,who does his duty undauntingly,who plays for the love of the game and nothing else.The tears which accompany might seem a sign of weakness to me,it shows the boldness to be able to express what you feel on a world stage,the strength to feel so much and not let it out for a single moment during the battle,it shows what tennis means to him,what has made him reach the pinnacle of glory...
He has given sport a new dimension altogether.A fresh new meaning......He has redefined the word Maestro,he has shown what it takes to be called one.....He has shown that "To err is human,to forgive is divine" is no longer true....what he says is "To be human is the first step to divinity".I believe him!
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